Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Decision Making Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making Analysis - Essay Example Naturally, approaching this from a common sense standpoint, the individual is presented with the issue of how to justify the demands that are made by the hiring entity and the supervisor himself. As the case denoted, pressure is being placed upon the supervisor with regards to pressuring the decision-maker to engage in something of an unethical unit of behavior. Naturally, as a new employee, the hiring officer is hesitant to go against the will and intentions of his superiors. Yet, from an ethical standpoint, as well as the universalism promoted by Kant and the social justice theory promoted by Rawls, he in fact has no choice but to at least discuss the situation with the supervisor and see if some type of understanding/agreement can be settled upon that would maximize the utility and ethical approach for each and every individual within a given situation. Oftentimes, within a situation of work expectation and employment, and individual worker is presented with an ethical dilemma tha t does not readily lend itself to being interpreted to maximize the best good for each and every individual involved. ... What is noted all too often in the business world is that individuals are too timid to bring such situations to the light of day for fear that they might be somehow retaliated against for doing so. However, even if this is indeed the case, weighing the situation and allowing for a determination of maximal good to be understood, there is little moral or ethical choice but would allow for one’s superior to be notified of the implicit unfairness of the way in which this particular employment screening process is taking place. Rather than going directly to the boss and stating what is wrong, a much more tactful, and perhaps appropriate level of response, would be to merely mention the situation and ask if the manager/boss had any recommendations with regards to how the equity of the process could be improved upon. Once again, with regards to the case in question, it is the requirement of Joe to ensure that the issue is brought to the attention of the superiors as possibly represen ting an unethical and unfair hiring process. Whether or not he is rewarded or punished for this, it is the right choice not only with regards to the fairness and equity of the hiring process but also with regards to the safety that such a decision could mean with regards to litigation if such a hiring practice were ever leaked and came to the general knowledge of an individual who applied and did not get the job. In this way, the reward for doing the right thing and bringing this situation to the attention of his superiors also has the added reward of being able to provide a level of safety with regards to the role in which Joe might have otherwise played in such a scheme should it ever have been uncovered and litigated. There are few situations in which doing the right

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Angiosperm Questions

Angiosperm Questions Jump to: Answers Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. The products of meiosis in plants are always which of the following? a.  spores b.  eggs c. sperm d.  seeds e.  both B and C 2. Which of the following is the correct sequence during alternation of generations in a flowering plant? a.  sporophyte-meiosis-gametophyte-gametes-fertilization-diploid zygote b.  sporophyte-mitosis-gametophyte-meiosis-sporophyte c.  haploid gametophyte-gametes-meiosis-fertilization-diploid sporophyte d.  sporophyte-spores-meiosis-gametophyte-gametes e.  haploid sporophyte-spores-fertilization-diploid gametophyte 3. Which of the following is true in plants? a.  Meiosis occurs in gametophytes to produce gametes. b.  Meiosis occurs in sporophytes to produce spores. c.  The gametophyte is the dominant generation in flowering plants. d.  Plants exist continually as either sporophytes or gametophytes. e.  Male gametophytes and female gametophytes have the same structure. 4. All of the following are features of angiosperms except: a.  a triploid endosperm. b.  an ovary that becomes a fruit. c.  animal pollination. d.  a small (reduced) sporophyte. e.  double fertilization. 5. All of the following floral parts are directly involved in pollination or fertilization except the: a.  stigma. b.  anther. c.  sepal. d.  carpel. e.  style. 6. A mutation in which of the following floral parts would have the greatest impact on pollination? a.  sepal b.  petal c.  stamen d.  carpel e.  either C or D 7. A mutation in which of the following floral parts would have the greatest potential impact on fertilization? a.  sepal b.  petal c. stamen d.  carpel e.  either C or D 8. Which of the following is the correct order of floral organs from the outside to the inside of a complete flower? a.  petals-sepals-stamens-carpels b.   sepals-stamens-petals-carpels c.  spores-gametes-zygote-embryo d.  sepals-petals-stamens-carpels e.  male gametophyte-female gametophyte-sepals-petals 9. All of the following are primary functions of flowers except: a. pollen production. b.  photosynthesis. c.  meiosis. d.  egg production. e.  sexual reproduction. 10. Meiosis occurs within all of the following flower parts except the: a.  ovule. b.  style. c.  megasporangium. d.  anther. e.  ovary. 11. A perfect flower is fertile, but may be either complete or incomplete. Which of the following correctly describes a perfect flower? a.  It has no sepals. b.  It has fused carpels. c.  It is on a dioecious plant. d.  It has no endosperm. e.  It has both stamens and carpels. 12. Which of the following types of plants is not able to self-pollinate? a.  dioecious b.  monoecious c.  complete d.  wind-pollinated e. insect-pollinated 13. In flowering plants, pollen is released from the: a.  anther. b.  stigma. c.  carpel. d.  filament. e.  pollen tube. 14. In the life cycle of an angiosperm, which of the following stages is diploid? a.  megaspore b.  generative nucleus of a pollen grain c.  polar nuclei of the embryo sac d.  microsporocyte e.  both megaspore and polar nuclei 15. Where does meiosis occur in flowering plants? a.  megasporocyte b.  microsporocyte c.  endosperm d.  pollen tube e.  megasporocyte and microsporocyte 16. Which of the following is a correct sequence of processes that takes place when a flowering plant reproduces? a.  meiosis-fertilization-ovulation-germination b.  fertilization-meiosis-nuclear fusion-formation of embryo and endosperm c.  meiosis-pollination-nuclear fusion-formation of embryo and endosperm d.  growth of pollen tube-pollination-germination-fertilization e.  meiosis-mitosis-nuclear fusion-pollen 17. Which of these is incorrectly paired with its life-cycle generation? a.  anther-gametophyte b.  pollen-gametophyte c.  embryo sac-gametophyte d.  stamen-sporophyte e.  embryo-sporophyte 18. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in a pollen sac? a.  sporangia-meiosis-two haploid cells-meiosis-two pollen grains per cell b.  pollen grain-meiosis-two generative cells-two tube cells per pollen grain c.  two haploid cells-meiosis-generative cell-tube cell-fertilization-pollen grain d.  pollen grain-mitosis-microspores-meiosis-generative cell plus tube cell e.  microsporocyte-meiosis-microspores-mitosis-two haploid cells per pollen grain 19. Which of the following occurs in an angiosperm ovule? a.  An antheridium forms from the megasporophyte. b.  A megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis. c.  The egg nucleus is usually diploid. d.  A pollen tube emerges to accept pollen after pollination. e.  The endosperm surrounds the megaspore mother cell. 20. Where and by which process are sperm produced in plants? a.  meiosis in pollen grains b. meiosis in anthers c.  mitosis in male gametophytes d.  mitosis in the micropyle e.  mitosis in the embryo sac 21. In which of the following pairs are the two terms equivalent? a.  ovule-egg b.  embryo sac-female gametophyte c.  endosperm-male gametophyte d.  seed-zygote e.  microspore-pollen grain 22. Which of the following is the male gametophyte of a flowering plant? a.  ovule b.  microsporocyte c.  pollen grain d.  embryo sac e.  stamen The following questions refer to the diagram of an embryo sac of an angiosperm. 23. Which cell(s), after fertilization, give(s) rise to the embryo plant? a.  A b.  B c.  C d.  D e.  E 24. Which cell(s) become(s) the triploid endosperm? a.  A b.  B c.  C d.  D e.  E 25. What is the relationship between pollination and fertilization in flowering plants? a.  Fertilization precedes pollination. b.  Pollination easily occurs between plants of different species. c.  Pollen is formed within megasporangia so that male and female gametes are near each other. d.  Pollination brings gametophytes together so that fertilization can occur. e.  If fertilization occurs, pollination is unnecessary. 26. Genetic incompatibility does not affect the a.  attraction of a suitable insect pollinator. b.  germination of the pollen on the stigma. c.  growth of the pollen tube in the style. d.  membrane permeability of cells. e.  different individuals of the same species. 27. The integuments of an ovule function to do what? a.  protect against animal predation b.  ensure double fertilization c.  form a seed coat d.  both A and B e.  both A and C 28. A fruit includes a.  one or more seeds. b.  the ovary wall. c.  fleshy cells rich in sugars. d.  brightly colored pigments to attract animal dispersers. e.  both A and B 29. Which of the following is not an advantage of an extended gametophyte generation in plants? a.  Male gametophytes can travel more easily within spore walls. b.  The protection of female gametophytes within ovules keeps them from drying out. c.  The lack of need for swimming sperm makes life on land easier. d.  Female gametophytes develop egg cells, which are fertilized within an ovule that will become a seed. e.  Endosperm forms a protective seed coat. 30. What is typically the result of double fertilization in angiosperms? a.  The endosperm develops into a diploid nutrient tissue. b.  A triploid zygote is formed. c.  Both a diploid embryo and triploid endosperm are formed. d.  Two embryos develop in every seed. e.  The fertilized antipodal cells develop into the seed coat. 31. Which of the following statements regarding the endosperm is false? a.  Its nutrients may be absorbed by the cotyledons in the seeds of eudicots. b.  It develops from a triploid cell. c.  Its nutrients are digested by enzymes in monocot seeds following hydration. d.  It develops from the fertilized egg. e.  It is rich in nutrients, which it provides to the embryo. 32. What is the embryonic root called? a. plumule b. hypocotyl c.  epicotyl d.  radicle e.  shoot 33. Which of the following vegetables is botanically a fruit? a.  potato b.   lettuce c.  radish d.  celery e.  green beans 34. Which of these structures is unique to the seed of a monocot? a.  cotyledon b.  endosperm c.  coleoptile d.  radicle e.  seed coat 35. Fruits develop from: a.  microsporangia. b.  receptacles. c.  fertilized eggs. d.  ovaries. e.  ovules. 36. The first step in the germination of a seed is usually: a.  pollination. b.  fertilization. c.  imbibition of water. d.  hydrolysis of starch and other food reserves. e. emergence of the radicle. 37. When seeds germinate, the radicle emerges before the shoot. This allows the seedling to quickly: a.  obtain a dependable water supply. b.  mobilize stored carbohydrates. c.  protect the emerging coleoptile. d.  avoid etiolation. e.  initiate photosynthesis. 38. In plants, which of the following could be an advantage of sexual reproduction as opposed to asexual reproduction? a.  genetic variation b.  mitosis c.  stable populations d.   rapid population increase e. greater longevity 39. Regardless of where in the world a vineyard is located, in order for the winery to produce a Burgundy, it must use varietal grapes that originated in Burgundy, France. The most effective way for a new California grower to plant a vineyard to produce Burgundy is to: a.  plant seeds obtained from French varietal Burgundy grapes. b.  transplant varietal Burgundy plants from France. c.  root cuttings of varietal Burgundy grapes from France. d.  cross French Burgundy grapes with native American grapes. e.  graft varietal Burgundy grape scions onto native (Californian) root stocks. 40. Which of the following is not a scientific concern relating to creating genetically modified crops? a.  Herbicide resistance may spread to weedy species. b.  Insect pests may evolve resistance to toxins more rapidly. c.  Nontarget species may be affected. d.  The monetary costs of growing genetically modified plants are significantly greater than traditional breeding techniques. e.  Genetically modified plants may lead to unknown risks to human health. Angiosperm Reproduction Questions Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.1 2. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.1 3. ANS: B TOP: Concept 38.1 4. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.1 5. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.1 6. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.1 7. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.1 8. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.1 9. ANS: B TOP: Concept 38.1 10. ANS: B TOP: Concept 38.1 11. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.1 12. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.1 13. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.1 14. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.1 15. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.1 16. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.1 17. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.1 18. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.1 19. ANS: B TOP: Concept 38.1 20. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.1 21. ANS: B TOP: Concept 38.1 22. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.1 23. ANS: B TOP: Concept 38.1 24. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.1 25. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.1 26. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.1 27. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.2 28. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.2 29. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.2 30. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.2 31. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.2 32. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.2 33. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.2 34. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.2 35. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.2 36. ANS: C TOP: Concept 38.2 37. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.2 38. ANS: A TOP: Concept 38.3 39. ANS: E TOP: Concept 38.3 40. ANS: D TOP: Concept 38.4 E A B D C B D D B B E A A

Friday, October 25, 2019

Communication as a Means of Stability Essay -- Essays Papers

Communication as a Means of Stability As demonstrated throughout various Native American texts, communication tends to be the Native’s greatest challenge in that they are unable to develop successful relationships with the outside world. Ultimately, broken treaties have become the unfortunate model for miscommunication between the European Americans and the Natives. Granted the white culture and the Natives share very few of the same beliefs or traditions, neither culture has yet to successfully compromise and broken through the barrier that so obviously separates them. Therefore it remains crucial that these very different cultures develop a good enough rapport with one another that would allow either culture the freedom to practice and express their beliefs non offensively, and prevent future communication from being null. From these Native novels, in particular Louis Owen’s Bone Game and Henry Gordon’s The Light People, we learn that communication and compromise are key to the success between these cultures, and lack of it will result in feud and confusion. The plot unfolds in Bone Game as a Native American professor Alex Yazzie unleashes a large cultural discrepancy between Natives and the white people as he skins a deer at his Santa Cruz residence for faculty housing. Since this act is atypical and shunned by the white community by which Alex is surrounded, tensions rise as his actions are perceived as barbaric. It is Cole, the story’s protagonist and a fellow Native, whom the university calls upon to mediate and resolve this disturbing â€Å"Indian Emergency† (Owens 23). Contrary to the school’s understanding and the laws that govern the county, this native is simply partaking in traditional Indian practices and u... ...ion aspect of it, but more importantly the â€Å"potential† it had as a future tourist location (Henry 101). According to Webster’s Dictionary, an agreement is defined as an arrangement made by negotiation between two parties. The word negotiation infers somewhat of a compromise or acceptance through successful communication by both parties. Yet through historical events, especially those pertaining to Native American’s, society has developed an understanding that language tends to often be dishonest. As Owens puts it, â€Å"The realization that words can say what they don’t mean and mean what they don’t say†¦[indicates] to an Indian [that] every sentence in English may be a broken treaty† (Owens 43). Works Cited Henry, Gordon Jr. The Light People. University of Oklahoma Press: Oklahoma, 1994. Owens, Louis. Bone Game. University of Oklahoma Press: Oklahoma, 1994.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Planning Function of Management Essay

Planning is a crucial function of management that enables an organization to achieve its maximum potential. Halliburton is one of the largest corporations in the United States, with a workforce of over 100,000 people in over 120 countries. Their home office is located in Houston, Texas and they are one of the world’s largest providers of products and services to the oil and gas industry. This paper will discuss the issues impacting and influencing management planning within Halliburton. â€Å"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.†Peter DruckerIt takes successful management at all levels and quality leadership to lead a business down the proverbial golden path. Planning is the primary management function, which formalizes an organization’s goals and objectives and establishes a base for the other functions of management. Halliburton Company is an oilfield services company and a provider of engineering and construction services that was founded in 1919. The company has expanded through tremendous internal growth and several acquisitions and in March, 2002, Halliburton split into two main divisions: the Energy Services Group (ESG) and Kellog Brown and Root (KBR). â€Å"ESG offers a wide range of products and services to â€Å"upstream oil and gas customers worldwide, ranging from the manufacturing of drill bits and other downhole and completion tools and pressure pumping services† (www.halliburton.com) [APA citation error (incorrect-do not use Web addresses or URL’s in citations). If the author is cited in text = Author’s name (year) â€Å"direct quote† (p. #). If the author is not cited in text = â€Å"direct quote† (author, year, p. #).] . KBR is the engineering subsidiary for Halliburton and is a global leader in construction and project management. Additionally, KBR is a leading government services contractor, which has been the focal point of many legal and ethical issues. Halliburton has received a great deal of negative publicity over the past year or so regarding it Iraq and Kuwait operations. The Pentagon and Justice Department have both launched criminal investigations due to erroneous contract cost estimates totaling $2.7 billion to serve American troops in  the middle east. Accusations have been made of overcharging for meals supplied to troops in Iraq, as well as employees accepting kickbacks from a Kuwaiti subcontractor. Pentagon auditors found that KBR overcharged the U.S. government by $27.4 million during a period of nine months in 2003. Additionally, Halliburton’s internal audit revealed employees accepted these kickbacks in exchange for providing Army supply contracts to the subcontractor (Associated Press). Limited military spending has created lucrative opportunities for privately held companies such as Halliburton to win these contracts and will continue to be at the forefront of media campaigns as long as the United States re mains in Iraq, especially when it comes to Dick Cheney. [You have addressed the issue thoroughly and supported your assertions.] Much speculation has been generated in regard to current Vice President of the United States and former Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney’s financial ties to his former company. On the September 14, 2003 edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, Vice President Cheney said, â€Å"And since I left Halliburton to become George Bush’s vice president, I’ve several all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven’t had, now, for over three years† (St. Louis Journalism Review). However, it came to light that Cheney received a salary of over $150,000 and maintained over 400,000 shares of unexercised stock options at the time. Cheney stated that he deferred his salary and stock options; therefore it did not constitute a violation of ethics. The Congressional Research Service found that these financial interests in Halliburton demonstrated a financial interest with his former empl oyer creating a conflict of interest. Despite the fact that Cheney broke the law of ethics, he is exempt from the enforcement of such laws and cannot be prosecuted for it (Halliburton Watch). KBR is the largest military contractor in Iraq, with more than 50,000 employees and subcontractor working there and in Kuwait and Afghanistan. These employees drive trucks, wash clothes, deliver mail, and provide additional support services for the U.S. troops. These workers are part of the Pentagon’s privatization strategy that enables the military to reduce the number of troops needed in a given location by assigning noncombat functions to civilians. Halliburton’s social responsibility is to keep these  workers safe and away from fighting, but it has proved a difficult task. Numerous complaint and lawsuits have surfaced because of Halliburton’s failure to provide safe working conditions and in the case of one man who was killed, the suit states he was â€Å"intentionally sent the convoy as an enemy ‘decoy’ in the U.S. military camouflage vehicles, to ensure the safe arrival and delivery of a second H-KBR fuel convoy† (CNNMoney.com). Hallib urton’s social responsibility remains in question with workers being placed in harms way on a regular basis. Factors influencing Halliburton’s strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning include political instability, rising steel prices, and environmental regulations. Halliburton operated in countries such as Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and Russia, which are currently experiencing unstable political and social climates. Continued conflict in these areas could have an impact on the company’s bottom line and their ability to generate substantial revenue. Steel is a major commodity that is used in the setting up of plant and processing facilities for natural gas and petroleum refining. Record breaking high prices were reached in early 2005, but have since stabilized. However, the ongoing consolidation in the steel industry could lead to higher prices causing the profit margins to suffer. Lastly, Halliburton is subject to environment and legal requirement in its worldwide operations, such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Air Interstate Rule, causing the states to reduce the allowable sulfur dioxide SO2 emissions by 70% and nitrogen oxides emissions by 60%. Environmental issues such as these could place a burden on is cash flow. [Insightful analysis]Halliburton has an exceptional global presence and they are currently playing a prominent role in rebuilding Iraq and by providing our troops with shelter, meals, and delivery of materials. Although Halliburton has come under intense scrutiny over the past several years due to its involvement with Vice-President Chaney and its legal and ethical issues, it has still managed to win military contracts due to its expertise in the oil service industry. This shows tremendous resiliency and reassures its customers and stockholders that it will continue to be a strong force in the oilfield services industry. [Your paper is well written. It is clear and concise.]References-references must match citations by author/owner. References begin with author/owner name e.g. CNN.money and Halburton are the owners of the websites. See examples in APA manual. MarketLine Business Information Center. Retrieved January 27, 2007 fromhttp://dbic.datamonitor.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/companies/company/?pid=B07921BD-F512-44F2-AE84-4DA7D8630C9D#CompanyOverviewTop 25 Censored Stories. St. Louis Journalism Review; Dec 2006/Jan 2007, Vol. 36Issue 292, P23-27, 5p. Retrieved January 26, 2007 fromhttp://web.ebscohost.com. Decision Management System. Retrieved January 28, 2007 from www.halliburton.comHalliburton Announces Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results. Retrieved January 28,2007 from http://CNNMoney.comKelly, Matt. (2003, March). Halliburton Fires Workers for Allegedly Taking Kickbacksfor Iraq Contract. Retrieved Janury 27, 2007 from www.commondreams.orgTotal points available=14Your score=13.75Areas for improvement=teal belowContent and Development = 40%_____ Key elements covered, content comprehensive/accurate, clear points supported with detail, appropriate use of vocabulary, integration of theory and practice, research adequate/timely, content and purpose clear. Very good work on this section. Organization = 30%_____ Lead is interesting and relevant, thesis is well-developed, directional statement previews major points, paragraph transitions maintain flow, body paragraphs support a specific major point, conclusion is logical/flows evenly, conclusion reviews major points. Good work-very well organized. Easy to read. Format = 10%_____ APA format, â€Å"reader friendly,† utilizes references appropriately, headings aid adaptability/not overdone, neatly presented, format requirements followed. Some small errors in APA formatting of reference page and citations. (-.25)Mechanics = 10%_____ Punctuation rules followed, contractions avoided, spelling correct, vernacular is avoided, written in same person throughout, tense remains consistent. Readability and Style-10%_____ Complete, clear, concise statements, well constructed sentences, sentence transitions present, words/concepts precise,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Use of a Thrust Stage in Ruby Moon

The texts studied in class, Matt Cameron’s Ruby Moon prove to have great potential for being performed on a thrust stage. When presented with a space such as this, it allows the director to be exposed to a vast array of ideas, conventions and concepts that would not be effective on a proscenium arch stage. Through this space, the director is able to break through all traditional styles of classic shoe box theatre; creating a unique experience for the audience as opposed to just a spectacle.It cracks open wide the expressions, notions and insecurities of the text and the characters, exposing a physical sense of vulnerability and weakness. By placing audiences on three sides of the space evolves the concept of many people peering into the lives of both Ray and Sylvie (Ruby Moon). It enforces the concept of the audience being given the opportunity to experience this fractured fairy tale or very real circumstance within a theatrical scenario.Furthermore, this space enables the aud ience to be engulfed in the style and absurdist, gothic, fast-paced and heart wrenching Ruby Moon. Many may be turned away from the idea of political theatre/ Brechtian but when placed on a thrust stage, the texts still obtain the same concepts and dramatic meaning, however elements of drama such as tension, space, contrast, mood and audience/spectator relationship are magnified; focusing more on the conventions of the play as opposed to just the messages.Theatrical elements such as costume, set and lighting also have the opportunity to be re-worked and re-invented to cater for the space. Ruby Moon delivers a series of quirky characters that Ray and Sylvie visit along the street of Flaming Tree Grove. Incorporating the style of transformational acting. Read also:Â  Moon By Chaim Potok