Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Rubber Chicken Bone Science Experiment

You wont be able to make a wish on a wishbone with the rubber chicken bone science experiment! In this experiment, you use vinegar to remove the calcium in chicken bones to make them rubbery. This is a simple project that illustrates what would happen to your own bones if the calcium in them is used more quickly than it is replaced. Materials for This Project VinegarChicken boneJar big enough you can cover the bone with vinegar While you can use any bone for this experiment, a leg (drumstick) is a particularly good choice because its normally a strong and brittle bone. Any bone will work, though, and you can compare bones from different parts of a chicken to see how flexible they are initially compared with how they change when calcium is removed from them. Make Rubber Chicken Bones Try to bend a chicken bone without breaking it. Get a sense of how strong the bone is.Soak chicken bones in vinegar.Check on the bones after a few hours and days to see how easy they are to bend. If you want to extract as much calcium as possible, soak the bones in vinegar for 3-5 days.When you are done soaking the bones, you can remove them from the vinegar, rinse them in water and allow them to dry. While you have vinegar handy, how about using it to  make a bouncy ball from an egg? How It Works The acetic acid in the vinegar reacts with the calcium in the chicken bones. This weakens them, causing them to become soft and rubbery  as if they had come from a rubber chicken. What Rubber Chicken Bones Mean for You The calcium in your bones is what makes them hard and strong. As you age, you may deplete the calcium faster than you replace it. If too much calcium is lost from your bones, they may become brittle and susceptible to breaking. Exercise and a diet that includes calcium-rich foods can help prevent this from happening. Bones Aren't Just Calcium While the calcium in bones in the form of hydroxyapatite makes them strong enough to support your body, they cant be made completely of the mineral or they would be brittle and prone to breakage. This is why vinegar doesnt completely dissolve bones. While the calcium is removed, the fibrous protein called collagen remains. Collagen gives bones enough flexibility to withstand everyday wear and tear. It is the most abundant protein in the human body, found not just in bones, but also in skin, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, and tendons. Bones are close to 70% hydroxyapatite, with most of the remaining 30% consisting of collagen. The two materials together are stronger than either one alone, in much the same way reinforced concrete is stronger than either of it components. Science Ideas to Explore Carbonated soft drinks are also acidic. What happens if you soak bones in soda rather than vinegar?Teeth consist almost entirely of the calcium mineral hydroxyapatite. What do you predict will remain of a tooth if you soak it in vinegar for a long time? How about the effect of soda on teeth?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Alevels Sociology - 3511 Words

CHAPTER 1: 1. ‘Social order may be the product of consensus or coercion, depending on which sociological perspective is adopted.’ Explain and discuss. Ans: Social order is the product of consensus in terms of functionalism Social order is the product of coercion in terms of conflict theory in reality; society may be a combination of both - that is there is human free will which is also limited by social structure example institutions, laws Functionalist Theory and consensus: The functionalist school is linked with sociologists such as Talcott Parsons, Kingsley Davis, Wilbert Moore, and Emile Durkheim (see Farley, 2000:72). 1. Durkheim: Durkheim s (1964) early paradigm of social stratification, which likened society to an†¦show more content†¦3. Consensus is Artificial When a consensus appears in a society, it is usually artificial and is unlikely to persist over the long run. A Functionalist might argue that consensus is necessary and is, therefore, automatically something desired by all concerned. The conflict theorist contends that a consensus in a society is either based on coercion and/or repression by the dominant group. 4. Conflict in Society is Desirable Conflict is desirable because it makes possible social change which may lead to more equitable distribution of wealth and power (Farley, 2000:74). 5. Ideology A central assumption of Marxist theory is that the distribution of wealth by and large determines other aspects of society, such as the political system and the characteristics of culture. This includes the norms, values, and beliefs of the culture. The norms, values, and beliefs of the culture are such that they legitimize the control of wealth. Everyone, the rich and poor alike, accept the cultural beliefs as just and correct. Another term for these beliefs is IDEOLOGY. a. False Consciousness A consensus can also be achieved when a minority group accepts an ideology that is not in its self interest. This is false consciousness. It can occur because the dominant group exerts disproportionate control over the sources of influence and public opinion. It mightShow MoreRelatedChanges from the 1960s1143 Words   |  5 PagesP, Yeo A, sociology in focus, causeway press limited, Lancashire, 2006. 2 . S-cool,, 2009, November 7 3 . Woodlands Junior School, Mandy Barrow, -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. S-cool, Peter Willmott, htt:// history/contemporary-kinship-arrangements.html [ 2 ]. S-cool, Peter Laslette, htt://

Monday, December 9, 2019

Underground music history in bangladesh free essay sample

For doing this literature review I used some web articles as my resource. The list of the resources I will use for the purpose of this assignment those are given below Wisped the free Encyclopedia Web articles Bangladesh is traditionally very rich in its musical heritage. Modernization of Bangle music occurred at different times and most of these modernization processes happened independently of western influence.Now the definition of the band music is a group of instrumentalists playing music f a specialized type and the Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that developed in the late sass and early sass, originally in the United Kingdom and later in the United States. People who are the students or young aged are mainly the audience of this genre of music. Manhood described in his article that Bangladesh band history starts from 1960. The first band of Bangladesh is called Bangladesh. The founder of the band is Mr. Now the definition of the band music is a group of Instrumentalists playing music of a specialized type and the Heavy metal Is a genre of rock music that developed In the late asses and early asses, originally In the United Kingdom and later In the united States. People who are the dents or young aged are mainly the audience of this genre of music. Manhood described in his article that Bangladesh band history starts from 1960. The first band of Bangladesh is called Bangladesh. The founder of the band is Mr.. Rum Emmer . Then many bands formed . It is hard to know some bands succeed and others fall short. It was a handful of self-taught musicians that got together to create original sounds and jump-started the rock scene like never before. Their efforts resulted in the birth of the Bangle Rock Scene. Among the pioneering groups in the late ass were iconic bands like Windy Side of Care (Rarefied Mazda Islam Saul ND Raff Omar) (Ex-elites), The Lightnings, Rambling Stones, Ugly Phases and Nines Dud, they eventually became the veterans of band music. They didnt have the privilege of expensive Instruments or sound systems, which the present rockers now take for granted.In 1963, Zing was the first Orchestra Band in Bangladesh formed in Chitchatting by a young group student of Chitchatting College. A short time, Zing got the popularity; also they had to face criticism from the conservative people. But Shaft (Band Leader Vocal) believed that criticism should be taken positively and Zing brought a new flavor in Bangle Music. They started playing popular Étagà ¨re songs, Unusual songs and hit movie songs in western Orchestra style. Zing is the first band who used western instruments of Drums, Guitar, and Piano.Within novelty never goes without criticism. Shafts two teenage sisters Ninja Shell Parvenu Joined the band in 1964. Both Ninja Shell not only had outstanding vocals but were also skilled of playing Plano, Bongo and Drums. It Is noted that they were well-trained by Shaft himself. Ninja Shell Immediate published several hit songs: Full Full Dacha, Duty Moon, Sharer Tire and Manamas evergreen hit song Tamari Jibing. Englanders rock music. The Khans brothers (lucky and happy) are also started creating magnetic songs in the industry at that time.According to the Manhood in the old bands there are many bands that are still going very strong. There is souls(1970), feedback(1976), miles(1978), renaissance, Rib, feelings, angora ball, waves and many other bands who were very well since they started. Miles and waves were more underground. Souls was perking up to be a mainstream and soon got themselves a record deal. In 1980, they released their debut album Super Souls, which was one of the first albums to be released by a USIA group in Bangladesh. Not only they were popular for over a decade, but also served to launch popular artists like Baby Bausch (who created LURE) and solo pop performers Tap Chowder and Kumar Fishtail It was around 1986 when Miles presenting hard rock in Dacha. One fine day my elder brother came home and announced that there was a band, which was performing songs of Iron Maiden. It Nas very difficult to believe. But then I witnessed it myself in the next concert. It was mind blowing to see them covering several numbers of Iron Maiden and they did ere well indeed!The band was called Rock Strata followed by another big gun Narrate(1984). Different Touch were a popular in the late ass and early ass with their melodic tunes with several hit songs like Serener Moguls . Nova(1986) is a Hard Rock, Soft Rock Band. Nova released seven albums till now. Around 1999, some bands came in the music scenario. Article (ex-Tantrum), Metal Maze and Migraine, Black, Wire, Nemesis, The Attempted Band and the very popular rock Influenced folk fusion group of today Bangle, with some more bands surfacing. And till now these bands are performing for the Bangladesh audience.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Virginia tech shooting

Introduction The story is about one of the deadliest and fatal gun shooting ever witnessed in the United States of America. The shooting led to thirty three people losing their lives and approximately fifteen people being injured; it took place on the April of 2007 at the campus compound. The incident took place in a dormitory and a classroom.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Virginia tech shooting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It was at the dormitory of Virginia polytechnic institute and the classroom of State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. From the comments of administrators and authorities, it is indeed evident that the shooting was the worst. The university president described the incident as a tragedy of monumental proportion whereas those who witnessed the incident described it as an unimaginable horror. The shooting involved the lining up of students against the wall and then they were shot . Other students jumped up the windows in their bid to escape while others crouched on the floors to take cover (CNN 1). The incident, that has come to be referred as the Virginia tech shooting involved two separate shootings but all on the Virginia campus in Blacksburg, VA and occurred at the interval of two and half hours. First it involved the shooting of two students in the dormitory and the next attack involved the killing of thirty one people in a classroom. There was no official confirmation as to whether the two attacks though separate were related. The investigation by the authorities only made reference to one gunman (Hauser 1). The police response was swift since they received the news and their response was much lauded since they arrived and pursued the gunman till the second floor but it was unfortunate they found the gunman death since he had shot himself at the face (MSNBC 1). The man who orchestrated the shooting was Seung-Hui Cho, a twenty three years old South Kore an citizen and the main motive has been a subject of debate between those who associate the killing with the health of Cho and others link it with romantic dispute between Cho and his lover Emily Hilshcer.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Historical Significance of the shooting The incident was orchestrated by Seung-Hui Cho who was a student at the Virginia tech institute. There was an observation that the authorities failed to inform the Virginia tech institute of the Cho’s health as he had been previously diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and had always been receiving therapy and special education support while he was a student at the middle school and high school, this could have been important in providing counseling to the perpetrator. The attack attracted a lot of media attention that focused much on the laws and the culture of the USA; part of the de bate concerned gun violence and the gun laws and also loopholes on the attention regarding the treatment of mental health matters in the USA. Also the other factors that were brought to light by the incident was the state of mind of Cho, the responsibility of the administration in learning institutions and laws of privacy which required review (Watson and Watson 1). The shooting enabled the state of Virginia in particular and the other states of the US in general to deeply analyze and close all the loopholes that made Cho to undertake the killing. The shooting prompted the formation of the Virginia tech review panel whose terms of reference was to review the incident. The administration of the two learning institutions was heavily criticized for doing little to stop the shooting or rather to reduce the casualties. The incident brought into fore the necessity of learning institutions to share information about health of students and the Virginia institutions were accused for misinter preting the federal privacy laws.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Virginia tech shooting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The incident also led to the flaws in the counseling centers and the inadequacy of mental health services in majority of learning institutions. The shooting also brought to fore the response of institution towards disasters (Worth 25). Media Coverage There was wide media coverage of the shooting both within and outside USA. How the media covered the story was heavily criticized by several parties that included the perpetrator’s family and the administration of Virginia. All media houses quickly descended to the scene of the shooting, the Blacksburg. Because it was in the morning, all morning shows in major television houses pitched tent in the Virginia tech campus for live coverage of the incident. The media labeled the incident as the most bloody. Immediately after the incide nt, the media initiated media speculation concerning the mental health of the perpetrator. The most memorizing coverage of the event was the on the spot photo captured by Jamal Albarghouti who used the video function of his phone to capture the first images that was later transmitted live and severally by media houses like the CNN. Media houses at times misrepresented the information; the Chicago sun times wrongly identified the perpetrator as a Chinese American. Conclusion The media coverage of the event was considerable commendable since they dissented to the scene immediately and exposed to the world the incident. The criticism by the media was also instrumental in addressing future disasters. Works Cited CNN. Massacre at Virginia tech. CNN, 2007. Web. Hauser, Christine. Virginia Tech Shooting Leaves 33 Dead. New York Times, 2007. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More MSNBC. Worst U.S. shooting ever kills 33 on Va. Campus. MSNBC, 2007. Web. Watson, Joseph and Watson, Steve. Virginia School Shooting: Another Government Black-Op? Prison Palnet, 2007. Web. Worth, Richard. Massacre at Virginia Tech: Disaster Survival  Deadly Disasters. Enslow Publishers, 2008. Print. This research paper on Virginia tech shooting was written and submitted by user Jul1us to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.